VER THE PAST YEAR we have made some improvements that put Olive Leaf in a position to meet the challenges of growth. Our problems are the happiest sort, stemming from an increasing popularity combined with our determination to offer Olive Leaf free of charge to all who want it. Our printing has gone from 500 copies which were always more than we needed, to 3,000 copies which are proving insufficient for our expanding needs.
We have never thought it to be consistent with our "no charge" policy to give Olive Leaf away and then fill it with pitches for donations. The way we have always handled finances is to go into debt for any issue, but not to print the next issue until the previous one has been paid for. With the generosity of individual donors and corporate supporters, notably Cropo's Funeral Chapel, this policy was usually good enough to get us through.
In January of this year we hit the wall. With more parishes looking to receive Olive Leaf than we could hope to accommodate, we had to either refuse to grow or find a way to expand. So we stopped publishing and prayed. Through the remarkable generosity and wise advice of several people we were able to find a way through what seemed an impossible maze.
The end result is that we now can do our own printing on a digital printer that is capable of very high quality printing. Ken Blackmore at Dave's Quick Print helped us with sound advice and offers of valuable service. Then Gerald Wilcox of Xerox worked hard to put together a lease we could afford on a new digital machine.
Our new format gives us a distinctive, easier-to-read look. With more pages and a smaller size, Olive Leaf now can be kept on your desk or coffee table, at your bedside, or wherever else you like to read.