"A lay Catholic perspective"

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by Mark Fetherston


I T TAKES A CERTAIN je ne sais quoi to undertake an issue about how we should best live out our Catholic faith. Naturally, we did not even hesitate to jump right in and offer every opinion that leapt to our minds.

Concerned that we might not be in deep enough, we assigned Cecile and Neil to examine the difference between the roles of women and men in the Christian life. We figured that a good title for this battle of the sexes would be: The battle belongs to the Lord. Caroline gives us a great example of a holy woman's life.

We wanted Christine to look at the importance of mutual support, along with some heavenly help (Christopher), and things that don't seem to work out like they should. I got the last one, naturally. Colin takes us from cocoon to butterfly, while John pauses on his way to England to help you look good, even during conversion. Theresa takes us home with a beautiful reflection on the ministry of grandparents. There are more goodies inside.

Enjoy the issue.

- M.F.